Wednesday 4 July 2012

Living the Dream

To live a certain dream, one must realize that for making a dream come true, you must first overcome at least one challenge, if there are no challenges up ahead, no difficulties facing you while you are trying to fulfill your dream, then I doubt that it is a dream from the first place.

A dream must be hard to obtain, otherwise it falls into the goals or objectives zone, a dream must be big, you don't need someone other than you to tell you what to dream of, you simply need to imagine what to have in your dream, what is it that you must face in order for your dream to come true.

People dream about stuff all the time, take for example someone who wishes to buy a car, well, he dreams about it, means it is so difficult for him at that time to get one. Me, on the other hand; each time I see a car that costs over $300,000 I start thinking of how hard it is for an ordinary person to get his hands on one (Including me of course). I am not going to say that this is my dream or whatsoever, however, it is very hard to obtain or achieve.

So, there are differences between what is hard to get, and what you dream of having. Like I said before, you don't need anyone to tell you whether this is your dream or not, just ... simply ask your heart, for the sake of this dream, this idea, am I willing to sacrifice so much time, life, energy and even money - some people get scared when it comes to spending money - for my dream ?

Imagine if you worked hard for over 10 years having your dream right in front of you, fighting just to achieve it, sacrificing all you have, or most of what you have, and then would finally get it, your dream ... has come true, your wish has come to life, imagine all these emotions flowing within you. You are finally living your dream, are you not?

Now let me just be clear here, there is a difference between a dream and a fantasy. If you dream about flying ... that's a fantasy (I am not talking about planes or something, I'm talking about superman flying! ). Don't imagine unrealistic stuff and consider them as dreams, you know what you want to dream about, look for the answer in your heart, your dream is right there, you just need to realize it.

Living a dream takes a lot of sacrifice, effort and lots and lots of patience, if it's something worth living up to, then it's obviously one amazing dream. We cannot live without having dreams and hopes that these dreams will one day come true, it's a very wonderful feeling to have a dream, and it's even more astonishing to live up to them.

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